Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Laugh Your Way To Work

Thanks to Mr Coldbrain for bringing to my attention The All Day Breakfast Show. In case you are not familiar with Mr Coldbrain I shall explain that The All Day Breakfast Show is the new podcast from that deity of broadcasting Danny Baker.

If you’re not a fan of Mr Baker’s sense of humour then I wouldn’t bother checking it out. His broadcasting style has not changed much since his radio 5 days back in the early 90’s.

Don’t worry, it’s not sport based, though a podcast-based return of Baker and Kelly is in the pipeline (pinch me!). It’s basically Danny and one of his regular side-kicks from his BBC London show sitting in a room reading out amusing e-mails, and phoning people up for their stories. Today’s show had the story of a man showing off the strength of his steel toe-cap boots, and a woman with her hair on fire and a man with a stranger sat on his feet for 20 miles of a train journey. It's funnier than that sounds....

So if you are a fan of Danny Baker, and you have a spare 50 mins to listen to the podcast everyday then get to iTunes and subscribe now. It’s a riot and has made my commute to work over the last week an absolute joy, despite the trains being consistently late. My only complaint is that it’s not long enough, I could do with another hour or so, in order to laugh the journey home too.

And don’t you dare try and claim Pulp’s Different Class – it’s not up on the site yet, but it’s mine god damn it.

1 comment:

asdf said...

It is brilliant, and livens up my mornings no end. Until today I hadn't realised how much Danny Kelly sounds like Marvin The Martian.

Incidentally, I shall be reminded of the travesty that is FGW on Friday as I journey down to Bath... can't wait.